Old LiveActs
Some long past LiveActs. Maybe you find it interesting to check how the LiveActs differ from each other and how the songs developed over time. I put a “(Check!)” behind the records I find “interesting” in any way. Some songs have never been recorded or released except in those live acts. For example: “Anger”.
Date / Location: 23. Sept 2000 / Engelberg, Switzerland
Organisation: Physical Team + Soma
Party: Engelstoene
Impute here …. music short code …..
Date / Location: 5. Nov 2000 / Zug, Switzerland
Organisation: Physical Team
Party: Wenn Raeume Erwachen
Impute here …. music short code …..
Date / Location: 3. March 2001 / Luzern, Switzerland
Organisation: Zaffaraia
Party: Shall Ohm
Impute here …. music short code …..
Date / Location: 7. June 2001 / Sargans, Switzerland
Organisation: Psymobil
Party: Morgentau
Date / Location: 25. August 2001 / St. Niklaus, Switzerland
Organisation: Magic Warriors + Nandan
Party: Tempel der vier Winde
Impute here …. music short code …..